Educational Toys for Fun Learning

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Fun Learning for a Smart Start
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Summer is a wonderful time of year when children can enjoy lots of fresh air and outdoor play. There is certainly no shortage of excellent activities, toys and accessories to entertain and inspire children of all ages. Some of the favo...
British Sign Language (BSL) is one of the commonly used languages within the deaf community in the U.K. Baby sign language is based on BSL and is taught to parents and carers to communicate with hearing and deaf children and to babies as young a...
What is a Baby Shower? If you are thinking of having or organising a Baby Shower you'll probably know that Baby Showers are an American phenomenon and have only recently arrived in the UK. Here at we are proud to stock...
Whatever theme you select for your child's birthday party, with a little creativity you can adapt any of the games listed below. Most of these party games are good for almost any party with kids – birthdays, Easter, Christmas, Halloween or any celebr...
Fun kids games for car journeys; car games for children and families – no toys needed!
Below are various ideas for games to play with children on long car journeys; no toys or props required! So put away the electronic toys and portable DVD players and get the whole family having interactive fun in the car...
What is phonics? - 24/07/2018
What is phonics?
Phonics is a method of teaching children how to read and write. It's all about sounds. There are 44 sounds in the English language, which we put together to form words. However, although phonics will help with basic first reading skills, as with o...
12 Ideas to keep the Kids Happy When It Rains
1. MOVIE DAY If you don’t have a movie camera then a smart phone will do. Dedicate the day to movie making. It doesn’t need to be staged. Once everyone has become used to the idea of a camera watching their every move, children can film some wonde...
Making the right choices for your baby's development
Every parents primary concern after health and safety is probably the happy development of their child. Children need stimulation to be both happy and to develop well. Babies quickly develop a keen interest in the things around them and will use all ...
Junior Bucket List: 50 things to do before you are 12
Climb a tree Make a daisy chain Build an outdoor shelter Go skinny dipping Make trails with sticks Create art from nature Paddle barefoot in a stream Make a home for wild animals or birds Play in the snow Jump in puddles Make mud pies Make...
Pocket Money Toys - 24/07/2018
In today’s current financial climate it is wise to be careful with our cash and the same is true for our children. Children need to learn the value of money and budgeting just as adults do and need to learn that their pocket money can go a lot furthe...
Language and Literacy
What can be more important to your child’s development than language and literacy? However, many children still grow up struggling with their language and literacy skills. You can give your child a head start by introducing language and literacy at a...
All children are natural learners; constantly absorbing new experiences in their everyday lives. Therefore the toys they play with, play an integral part in this learning process. All children develop at different rates, while some may be walking ...

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